SQE Law Study and Revision Guide for FLK1.
FLK1 Law Notes
If you are studying for the SQE you may be experiencing difficulty. Many of our students frequently ask the same questions and these are:
What elements do I study, learn and revise?
How do I independently study effectively?
Why are the SRA question different to the questions provided by my course provider?
Which SQE 1 notes should I use?
Problems with the FLK1 SQE
You could discover that teaching in person works best for you given your unique situation and preferences, and that the networking and social advantages are appealing. However, you will eventually need to study alone with your resources when you sit down to learn. It will soon become apparent that the FLk1 exam is a MCQ style exam which means you will need to know all the material. Other obstacles that will become apparent are:
How to choose the best choice answer when the answer seem so similar?
It is difficult to absorb all the information.
The exam is straining and physically demanding.
The exam is harder than the old style LPC.
You are expected at this stage of legal study to study you yourself. Because you are expected to have some knowledge and/or experience of the topics and skills assessed by the SQE. The FLk1 2025/2026 is designed to be difficult, so if you want to succeed you need to be strongly motivated and a independent learner.
SQE 1 Law Study and Revision Guide FLK 1
We have created the answer to all of these problems and published a set of SQE revision notes to be a compliment to our SQE tutoring and a study guide in its own right for the FLK 1 Exam.
These SQE FLK1 notes are concise and succinct.
This FLK1 Law Study and Revision Guide is a complete set of notes all in one place for the FLK1 exam.
The Law Study and Revision Guide is completely digitalised. Its is as simple as just saving it on your desktop.
The Law Study and Revision Guide FLK1 is a full set of notes have been collated and indexed for your convince and the navigation is easy and quick.
The FLK1 Law Study and Revision Guide can be the only resource you need for the FLK1 exam and no other books or notes are needed.
This SQE1 FLK1 study guide is up-to-date for 2025 and is a 616 page digital download, which covers all of the areas of law that you will encounter on the FLK 1 exam, namely:
Business Law and Practice
Dispute Resolution
Contract Law
Tort Law
The Legal System of England and Wales
Public Law - Constitutional, Administrative and EU Law
Legal Services
Our FLK1 Notes
This is a unique set of notes that you will find extremely useful if you are studying for the SQE1 exam, centrally set by the SRA. It will help any student studying for the FLK1 exam. Designed to be as relevant to the SRA SQE1 Assessment specification followed by many law schools, the SQE 1 Law Study and Revision Guide FLK 1, provides the foundation for the pathway into practice for non-law graduates who want to progress onto the SQE2. These are notes that have been produced expressly for the SQE 1 course by a former student who had previously completed the FLK exams scoring 76% and 77% in each paper FLK1 and KLK2 respectively.
SQE 1 Revision FLK1 Notes
These SQE 1 Law Study and Revision Guide FLK 1 notes have been designed in a way that gives students the information that they need quickly. These SQE 1 Law Study and Revision Guide FLK 1 notes are concise and include all the necessary coverage of pertinent statutes and case law. They take care to demonstrate important ideas using instances from everyday life throughout. Making sure that all of the data is included in a single document speeds up the procedure and produces an absolutely ideal and trustworthy resource for your FLK1 revision.
Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed
We are so sure that this is the perfect resource for the FLK1 exam. We really believe that this is the only resource you will need to study for the FLK1 because these SQE1 notes are so clear and straightforward, it would be tragic not use this resource. These notes were created specifically for the SQE 1 course by a former student who finished the SQE1 course with scores of 76% and 77% in FLK1 and KLK2, respectively, in each exam.
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The Next Step
Download the full set of 2025 SQE 1 Law Study and Revision Guide FLK 1 below.