Law Tutors that you need for your law course.
The Right Law Tutors for your Law Course
City Law Tutors is a high quality law tutoring boutique providing expert law tuition, professional training and research services in a range of law and law based subjects. We can assign you the perfect tutor so that you have the right Law Tutors, for your needs, whether it be preparation for exams, tuition in a specific topic that is a struggle or to support with giving feedback on how to improve essays. We have law tutors that cover all law courses.
We cater for students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. We provide specialist expertise in relation to Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Masters of Laws (LLM) programmes (or the BA in Law and Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) in some institutions such as at the University of Oxford). We also provide law tuition in relation to a number of other law based courses. For example we teach law to students studying law disciplines generally found at undergraduate and postgraduate level like the PGDL and MA (Conversion) Law.
Converting to Law?
We have law tutors, that provide tuition to students studying at law conversion courses at the University of Law and BPP. This includes the GDL, PGDL and MA Law. Courses are tailored to the syllabus and curriculum being studied and concentrate on study and exam techniques, as well as providing a good foundation knowledge of academic legal skills.
Professional Training
We also offer an extensive range of courses, and staff training seminars, to corporations and businesses. These include courses designed to assist in the understanding of contracts or tortuous disputes, employment law, HR, Trade Union Law and Health and Safety in practice and training in law in the business environment. For more information, please contact us.
Law Tutors
City Law Tutors employ top legal experts including barristers, solicitors and legal academics. The excellent backgrounds of our consultant members include careers spanning over 30 years and coming from the country’s leading universities and academic institutions. We regularly instruct barristers and university law tutors with First Class Honours, and Masters Degrees. Our law tutors are also widely published with work referenced on both Westlaw U.K and LexisNexis Butterworths.
The Next Step
Purchase a trial session or purchase tutoring or our study guides and get started with City Law Tutors!