The City Law Journal
The Law Journal
While economic issues are not the City Law Journal (CJL) major purpose, it is crucial that it disseminate knowledge that will assist in the settlement of key justice-related societal difficulties. The CLJ publishes peer-reviewed articles on a broad variety of legal issues. In addition to current events, the journal's purview includes jurisprudence and legal history, among other subjects.
Contributors to the publication give detailed analysis of previous court decisions, new legislation, and current law reform initiatives, which is an important component of the publication. The articles are meant to enable anyone interested in keeping up with new ideas and the progress of legal reform with a wide appeal to anybody interested in the law, whether as practitioners, students, instructors, attorneys, or authorities.
Opinions and forecasts about the legal profession's future are welcome in the journal, which will also highlight current advancements in the area. This newspaper provides a diverse variety of information, such as original articles, case studies, brief reports, and discussions. Previous works that have been chosen for publication may be reviewed on the journal's website, which is accessible from any computer with an internet connection.
Criteria for publication
Research that CLJ publishes is helpful to particular areas, other legal disciplines, and eventually to society at large. Therefore, it is crucial that publications both contribute to the body of knowledge and be presented in a manner that is understandable to readers from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds. Articles must fulfil the following requirements in order to be published in the CLJ:
Add to the body of knowledge or talk about a topic that is lacking.
Give strong justification for your conclusions.
Furthermore, we value articles that further interdisciplinarity (e.g. be useful to other disciplines).
The following should be included in every paper: be well-organized, with a clear and logical flow of ideas and arguments.
Unless a comment is specifically stated as an opinion or piece of advise, correct citation should be included in every document.
All papers must be written in simple, grammatically correct language.
Every work has to follow a uniform reference style, such OSCOLA or Harvard.
All submissions need to be in word file .doc.
Submit your paper for review
Abolishing the Defence of ‘Reasonable Punishment’
Lucy Barnes, ‘Abolishing the Defence of ‘Reasonable Punishment’’ [2025] CLJ 28
John Milton on Popular Sovereignty and Individual Liberty
Joel Hames, ‘John Milton on Popular Sovereignty and Individual Liberty’, [2025] CLJ 27
Non-Disclosure Agreement in Workplace Sexual Harassment
Katie McCourt, ‘Non- Disclosure Agreement in Workplace Sexual Harassment’, [2025] CLJ 26
The Case for Reparations for Women’s Football
Ferdinand Flannery, The Case for Reparations for Women’s Football’, [2024] CLJ 25
German Federal Constitutional Court Ruling in 2020 for the European Union’s Legal Order
Mia Cloppenburg, ‘German Federal Constitutional Court Ruling in 2020 for the European Union’s Legal Order’ [2024] CLJ 24
Secular Jurisprudence and A Generation of New Law
Mackay, J., ‘Secular Jurisprudence and A Generation of New Law’, [2024] CLJ 23
Testamentary Capacity Reform
Myuran Visuvathasan, ‘Testamentary Capacity Benefit Reforms’, [2024] CLJ 21
Creating Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Sector
Hilda Kwoffie ‘Creating Diversity & Inclusion in the Legal Sector’, [2024] CLJ 20
Poor Culture Leads To Poor Conduct In Banks
D., Dadrewalla, Poor Culture Leads To Poor Conduct In Banks, [2024] CLJ 19
Affirmative Duty of Consumer Wealth Maximisation
W., Ahmed ‘Imposition of an affirmative duty of consumer wealth maximisation: study of corporations in the global context’ [2024] CLJ 18
Judicial Review Remedies: A Need for Further Reform?
Alexander Wang-Evans, Judicial Review Remedies: A Need For Further Reform? [2024] CLJ 17
Conventions, Prerogative Powers, and Constitutional Principles
V., Law ‘Conventions, Prerogative Powers, and the Courts Cavalier Approach to Constitutional Principles’, [2023] CLJ 16
Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Sector
Bilokapić, A., Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Sector [2023] CLJ 15
Democracy within the European Union
Cuiec I., Democracy within the European Union [2023] CLJ 14
Is Part 24 CPR Consistent With Right to a Fair Trial?
Dr Balan, A., ‘Is Summary Judgment under Part 24 CPR Consistent With Right to a Fair Trial?’ [2023] CLJ 13
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Current Patent System
Freya P., The Impact of Advancements in Artificial Intelligence on the Current Patent System [2023] CLJ 12
International law - Meaning and Implementation. An Analysis.
Aditya A., International law - Meaning and Implementation, an Analysis [2022] CLJ 11
Minority Shareholders Dissertation
GDL Student, Minority Shareholder Protection [2022] CLJ 10
Book Review for Civil Litigation Handbook
Book Review: Civil Litigation Handbook, (Private Law Tutor Publishing, 2022)