Law Study and Revision Guides.
Law Study Guides and Revision Guides
Not every study guide is the same. The study and review guides from City Law Tutors are thorough, reliable, and made to go along with our tutoring. We made them to help us teach our students, and sometimes our law tutors may have created the information in them for their own study and succeed to obtain distinctions. Download a of our PGDL Work Book sample to see the difference for yourself.
FLK1 and FLK2
The SEQ1 Law Study and Revision Guides in our Functional Legal Knowledge (FLK) tests 1 and 2 cover the whole material needed for each exam. FLK1 and FLK 2 series and the PGDL series do not provide any easy solutions, spoon-feeding, or dumbing down. They help law conversion students and training solicitors to learn how to acquire new information and solidify what they already know. We never take shortcuts. Improve your results on the FLK1 and FLK2 exams now.