How to Get Help with Your Law Essays from a Law Tutor?
How to get help with your Law Essays?
Finding the ideal law tutor to assist you during your law degree or conversion course is not straightforward, but the rewards of working with the right individual are well worth the effort. A professional law tutor should be able to assist you in a variety of ways, from editing your law essays to assisting you in selecting the appropriate resources for you to use and cite. However, what assistance could you anticipate from your LLB tutor? If you have been asking yourself this question for a while, here are some suggestions.
Write the essay yourself
The first thing to watch out for when you’re trying to find a law tutor to help you and give you the skills you need to produce your own work. This is the winning formula to your legal assignments and will ensure that you do well because these skills are transferable to each law course. Many students that we encounter get to the final year and they have never taken the time to learn how to execute a First Class Law Essay.
Some students pay for essays to be written for them as an easy option but this can sometimes lead to misery over a bad mark. An essay writer is not in your lecturers or workshops and is not privy to the information being provided on the course. We do not like the way some commentators label law tutors, essay writers these are two very different fish in the sea. So be careful if you are asking a writer to write the essays for you. The student is always the best person to write their law essay themselves.
We know that many students have their essays written for them – this is why you need to be good and have the skills to write well. You are judged against your peers and now you are also competing with professional writers. A law tutor can help. Consult a law tutor to work with you on multiple projects, especially in the early stages of your law degree, and this will allow your tutor to point out typical essay writing errors so that you may develop your essay writing style and ultimately get a first in your law essays, every time.
If the law tutor has done his job right you will need less of his or her time and help moving forward. However, those students who want to have essay written – use the model answer in the proper way and learn from them and rewrite in your own words. You should not hand in someone else’s work as your own because the university will get upset and we do not want to upset the business that gives you a student number.
The City Law Tutor’s feedback
If we had one piece of advice for choosing the proper law tutor, it would be to search for someone who is experienced and this will ensure that they provide you with really extensive and complete comments on your law essays. If you have completed your project in its entirety, submitted it to an inexperienced or unbranded law tutor (that teaches as a side hustle until pupillage), and received just a few notes, no clear guidance, you might try working with another person. We have worked with a lot of junior tutors and have trained them so we know what we are talking about.
The law tutor you're searching for is someone who can tell you if your argument is good overall and where it may be strengthened. Critically evaluate your style, structure, tone and presentation. Writing law essays is an art and yes it does take time. Your law tutor's remarks should, not include for example, point out any places in which your discussion of cases was insufficiently comprehensive or in which you misread a specific provision of legislation.
Most law students are more advanced than that, they tend to have picked up bad habits. There is no right or wrong answer – you need to be able to back up what you are saying, while answering the question within a restricted word count. A law tutor will also guide you to all the appropriate materials for your assignment, and show you how to utilise those resources.
Finally, your university will never show you how to write or feedback on your writing style. For this you will need a tutor who will check your draft and spot where you have written something incorrectly, where your grammar is not quite right. The point is a law tutor is there to offer a level of detailed criticism that the university cannot. A law tutor will help you create a first class law essay. You should seriously consider seeking a law tutor.
Training materials or a City Law Tutors
Many law tutoring sites offer downloadable materials. Having some sort of training materials available is no substitute for a law tutor because every essay is different and taught by a different person. A tutor will teach you how to write better because they have had many students before you that they have taught. In addition, your law essay will be improved when you submit them for proofreading.
An online set of notes is very limited in what it is trying to achieve. It assumes that every student has the same problem and one size fits all. If this was a reality Saville Row would go out of business. The materials in an eBook, short lectures, lecture slides or just short written materials, or essay plans have limitations.
A City Law Tutor can give you a clear direction on how to write your essays. Certain aspects of law essay writing must be addressed in detail prior to a student staring to compose their essays properly and even before you ask a tutor for editing. Best of luck.
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