We tutor students studying for the LPC.
Legal Practice Course (LPC)
The Legal Practice Course is the vocational stage of training for those intending to practise as solicitors. The LPC is a rigorous course that needs you to work regularly and stay on top of your work. The ideal way is to approach the LPC as if it were a nine-to-five job. This entails setting up your workstation in the library each day and returning to it between classes. It is currently being phased out but some students will be taking this old route to become a Solicitor until 2026. The course is undertaken over a year full-time or 2 years part-time.
New pathway to become a Solicitor
The route to become a solicitor is evolving. A new pathway is being implemented as part of the new SQE qualifying route and SQE success. Alternatively, if you finished, began, received an offer, or paid a non-refundable deposit for one of the following by 31 August 2021, you may continue on the LPC route:
a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) / the Common Professional Examination
a Master of Arts in Law (MA Law)
the Legal Practice Course (LPC)
By 21 September 2021, you must have finished, begun, accepted an offer, or paid a non-refundable deposit for a qualifying legal degree (QLD) or an exempting law degree (ELD), such as our LLB. In most situations, the QLD, ELD, or CPE must have begun no later than 31 December 2021. If you have already begun a qualifying law degree, GDL, or training contract, transition procedures exist until 31 December 2032 to qualify as a solicitor using the present pathways, as long as courses are available. We tutor students studying for the LPC.
LPC Tutor
City Law Tutors offer specialist LPC law tutors that are experienced in providing tuition and training in all the LPC core modules and options. Some of our tutors will have graduated from top LPC institutions while others will practice from leading law firms as well as magic and silver circle firms.
How we can help
The LPC is a lengthy course - the content is not inherently tough, but the amount might be intimidating at times. The course is built around lectures, followed by in-depth discussion in small seminar groups. City Law Tutors offer specialist LPC law tutor that will provide training in all the LPC core modules and options. Your LPC law tutor will have graduated from top LPC institutions themselves while others will practice from leading law firms as well as magic and silver circle firms. Your LPC will have been teaching LPC for sometime and will be able to assist your study by providing comprehensive study notes and help your understanding so you are free to outperform your peers in assessments. The LPC is generally made up of the following modules.
Civil Litigation
Criminal Litigation
Business Law and Practice
Property Law
Legal Research
Interviewing and Advising
Writing and Drafting
Tax and Planning
There are also a range of options which are taken. The options available will depend on the LPC institution but include:
Company Law
Commercial Law
Advanced Civil Practice
Advanced Criminal Practice
Employment Law
Family Law
Sports and Media Law
For further details of the services we offer to LPC students please see our services.
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