We have LLB tutors for students studying the the LLB Law Degree.
LLB Law Degree Tutors
If you are contemplating studying law at university, an LLB degree may be your first option. The abbreviation LLB stands for 'Legum Baccalaureus' in Latin, which translates as 'Bachelor of Laws'. Certain LLB courses need the LNAT. The University of Bristol, Durham University, the University of Glasgow, Kings College London (KCL), the LSE London School of Economics and Political Science, the University of Nottingham, the University of Oxford, the UCL Faculty of Laws, and SOAS all need the LNAT.
The LLB is a 3 year higher education qualifying law degree that leads to either the SQE for solicitors or the Bar Course for barristers as the next step in their legal education. The LLB degree is not to be mistaken with a law bachelor's degree, which would need a law conversion course to get a certificate. Hundreds of institutions around the UK offer LLB law degrees. As a result, it's critical to do your homework and choose the option that's best for you. Many colleges offer degrees that include a year of French or German law study. Other institutions offer combined law programmes in areas including politics, philosophy, and law LLB.
LLB Law Tutors
We have LLB tutors that tutor students studying a Law Degree (LLB). City Law Tutors specialise in providing law tuition to students following undergraduate law programmes. We also tutor in law to students studying other programmes containing law modules or elements of law within their course. For further details of the LLB Tutors and services we offer to undergraduate students please see our services.
For those law students intending on qualifying as solicitors or barristers, they must first successfully complete a qualifying law degree (QLD). The most common way of doing this is by studying the LLB or by taking a law conversion course.
The Qualifying Law Degree
A QLD is a law degree recognised by the Law Society of England and Wales and the Bar Council. It is the first stage in training to become a solicitor or barrister and is the same for both routes into the legal profession. In general the subjects that must be studied on a QLD are:
Legal research and the English legal system
The law of obligations I (Contract law)
The law of obligations II (Tort law)
Criminal law
The law of equity and trust law
Law of the European Union
Law of Property (Land law)
Constitutional and Administrative law (Public law)
The most common way of completing the QLD is to undertake the LLB Law Degree, a course offered by the majority of universities in the United Kingdom.
The LLB Law Degree
The LLB is the most common QLD and a route taken by many into the legal profession. Competition among LLB graduates for training contracts and pupillages is fierce and obtaining high grades and graduating with a good degree is generally a minimum requirement for intending solicitors and barristers. The vast majority of law firms and chambers will require a minimum of a 2.1 degree, even to secure an interview. Even with a 2.1 Degree, breaking into the profession is extremely tough. Those who want to succeed and become lawyers will have to consistently achieve excellent grades on their LLB.
How we can help
City law Tutors know how to do this. We offer expert LLB tutors that offer tuition in all of the foundation subjects and many others. The majority of our London based law tutors will have studied on LLB courses, and most have secured First Class Honours Degrees, law prizes and scholarships. Our LLB law tutors at the higher levels will be actively involved in teaching and marking on university LLB programmes.
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